The goal of LEVEL UP is not only to create an unforgettable event for the gaming & eSports scene, but also to bring partners on board who enrich the event with their expertise and enthusiasm. Nothing less than that has been achieved with the new cooperations.
Accordingly, confirmed for the 2nd edition of the festival are:
Eurofunk Kappacher
The family-run company from St. Johann im Pongau is one of the largest system specialists for the planning, construction and operation of control centers and emergency call centers in the public safety, industry and transport sectors. With subsidiaries in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and Oman, Eurofunk is the employer of more than 500 specialists in the field of control center technology.
Visitors can already look forward to Eurofunk at LEVEL UP - all details about the partnership will soon be available in the program announcements on Instagram, Twitter and in the new LEVEL UP Newsletter.

Ikea Austria
Those familiar with the Austrian scene know that Ikea is no newcomer to eSports. The organizers of LEVEL UP are all the more pleased about the cooperation, which will especially please LAN players, streamers, creators & Co.
Jägermeister Austria
If anyone knows about festivals and a good time, it's Jägermeister. Because the manufacturer of the legendary herbal drink doesn't believe in compromise. Jägermeister believes in the extraordinary. And that's exactly what you'll find at LEVEL UP! Time for a special kind of cooperation, which visitors will remember long after the gates to the festival have closed again. #hirschrevier
You want to become a partner? Learn more here.